Video Duet with@mormendel. I’ll call it ‘The Light Shifts’
On Friday’s after work, I would often go to Mor and Daniel’s place in Bedstuy for dinner. It became tradition that I would eat cheese (I’m ‘vegan’), and always there was tahini. We would talk about the week, the year, the life and for a long time Mor would tell me she’s waiting for me to perform again. I would answer ‘no.’ Now we are apart and I have seen her once, and the distance pains. but in small steps I am creating (these videos) and at a distance Mor said ‘good’, now we will perform together again.
This video is based on last weeks thoughts, words, knowings:
Do it or let go
Light shifts
What I haven’t said yet
Sun and wind confusion.
Waiting for the kettle to boil
Watch the birds
To be seen.
To see myself
To hear myself
(All videos are created on my phone with free software and royalty free music from apps. This music is by@joshwoodwardmusic. Documenting process on@urbantheatrelab and here)